Contact Mail Details

YOUR NAME : Christian Fillion

COMPANY : Florida Window Manufacturing

YOUR EMAIL : [email protected]

YOUR SUBJECT : Sample Request

TEL 331 : 7723246591

YOUR MESSAGE : My name is Christian Fillion and I will be setting up a new window factory in Florida. I have different locations that I am looking at and I intend to get started in early 2022. I have seen your window hardware your website and I would be interested in looking at a few of them to see if they could be used for our future windows. To get started, I would forecast to purchase 50K worth of window hardware for my production. Is it possible to have a quotation and samples for the following products with all the necessary specs and any additional information that you think I should know about. 1) 16014 Left and Right 2) 1600 Left and Right 3) T16540 4) T16531A 5) T16541 6) T1820 7) T16520 8) T1688D Please send to: Christian Fillion 1391 NW Saint Lucie West Blvd, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986, United States. Let me know if there are any fees for the samples and shipping charges. Christian Fillion